2010. szeptember 13., hétfő


When a man’s conscience is not at peace and troubled over sin and the wound it has caused, there are typically three types of remedies, but only one is true, lasting and effective.

First: the lowest earthly and worst is that man grabs worldly peace offered in many forms, but mostly by speaking peace by, “another is in a worse sin,” this peace does not last and the man will return to his folly quickly, self justified with a sweet little fig leaf peace, it does not last, no true healing and the heart is unchanged. Christ is not in it.

Secondly a self-healing man rushes into God presence without waiting, grabs a verse, claims it and quickly speaks peace to himself, stealing something not given, satisfied with a sweet fig leaf peace through thievery, it may lasts a little longer, but he will return to his sin, no real healing is done and the heart is unchanged. Many live this way before God. Christ is not in it.

Thirdly a man attending prayer and waiting for God, knowing his condition and hating his sin, and wanting the peace that God brings. When God speaks peace He guides and keeps the soul so it does not again return to folly and when God speaks peace there comes along with it so much sweetness and such a discovery of His love, that there is a strong heart change with inclination and desire not to deal perversely again.

My rendition of part of chapter 13 “Wait for the verdict of God” in the book titled: “The Mortification of sin by John Owens.

May this bless you in your reading and practice.